
Temporary Resident and Visitor Visa for Canada

Except for Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents, all others require permission to enter Canada as a visitor, with or without a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV).

Canada welcomes more than 35 million temporary residents (non-immigrants) each year. Unless they are citizens of a visa-exempt country, individuals who wish to enter Canada for a temporary purpose, such as tourists, temporary foreign workers (work permits) and international students (study permits) must apply for and be granted a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV).

The TRV is a document issued by a Canadian Immigration Visa Office outside Canada, showing that the holder has satisfied the requirements for admission to Canada as a visitor. Temporary Resident Visas may be for single entry or multiple entry.

As a general rule, tourists are admitted for a period of six months. Temporary foreign workers and international students are admitted for varying periods of time, as determined on a case-by-case basis. Extensions may be applied for within Canada.

It is important to note that possession of a valid Temporary Resident Visa does not necessarily mean that the Citizenship and Immigration Canada Officer at the Canadian Port of Entry will admit the visitor into Canada. At the Port of Entry, all visitors must demonstrate that the purpose of their visit to Canada is of a temporary nature. Citizenship and Immigration Canada Officers at the Port of Entry will deny admission to all persons who, in their opinion, do not intend to leave Canada at the expiry of their visitor status.

In addition, criminality and medical issues may prevent a visitor from entering Canada. Visitors to Canada must also be able to prove their ability to support themselves during their intended temporary stay in Canada.

The Canada Visitor Visa is a popular choice for applicants wishing to visit Canada for a temporary period of up to 6 months.

Visas are available under three different categories:

A single Entry Canada Visitor Visa

This allows you to visit Canada only once (unless travelling to the US or St. Pierre and Miquelon) and is valid for a period of 6 months only. You can apply to extend your Canadian Visitor Visa if needed and will need to make an application for extension at least 30 days before expiry.

A Multiple Entry Canada Visitor Visa

This allows you to enter and depart Canada on multiple occasions and is valid for up to 6 months, depending on the issuing case officer. You will need to specify how long you will require your Canadian Visitor Visa (not exceeding a six month period) and leave it to the case officer to decide if this is necessary.

A Transit Canada Visitor Visa

This visa was initially designed for those people entering Canada for a period of 48 hours or less. For example, if your method of transport has to stop in Canada and you are from a country that requires you to have a visa to visit Canada, you will require a Transit Visa.

You are not permitted to work on any of the above Canadian Tourist Visa categories and some applicants may also need to obtain a Temporary Resident Visa in addition to the above if they come from certain countries. Some basic things to consider before making an application for a Canada Tourist Visa are:

  • Health issues (you may be required to undergo a medical examination)
  • Funds to secure your stay
  • You may need a letter of invitation from a friend of relative currently residing in Canada
  • You may require a Temporary Resident Visa

Once you have secured your Visit Visa then you may need to also obtain a Temporary Resident Visa if you come from certain countries, as explained above.


A l’exception des citoyens canadiens et des résidents permanents, toute personne voulant entrer au Canada à titre de visiteur doit obtenir une permission peu importe leur acquisition d’un visa de résidence temporaire (VRT).

Le Canada accueille plus de 35 millions de résidents temporaires (non immigrants) à chaque année.

Les personnes désirant entrer au Canada pour des fins temporaires, tel que les touristes, les travailleurs temporaires (permis de travail) et les étudiants étrangers (permis d’études), doivent soumettre une demande et être accordé un visa de résidence temporaire (VRT), à moins d’être citoyen d’un pays exempté de visa.

Le VRT est un document émis par un bureau canadien des visas à l’extérieur du Canada, démontrant que le détenteur a satisfait aux exigences d’admission au Canada à titre de visiteur. Un visa de résidence temporaire peut être émis pour une entrée unique ou entrées multiples.

Comme règle générale, les touristes sont admis pour une période de six mois. Les travailleurs temporaires et les étudiants étrangers sont admis pour des périodes variées, déterminées selon du cas par cas. Les prolongations peuvent être accordé sous demande pendant que vous êtes au Canada.

Par contre, le simple fait de détenir un visa de résidence temporaire valide ne signifie pas nécessairement qu’un agent de Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada admettra le visiteur au Canada. A votre arrivée, vous devez démontrer à l’agent d’immigration que les fins de votre visite sont de nature temporaire. Ce dernier pourrait refuser l’entrée au Canada à toute personne qui, selon lui, n’a pas l’intention de quitter le pays à la fin de leur visite.

De plus, des incertitudes en matière de santé et de criminalité peuvent empêcher un visiteur d’entrer au Canada. Ce dernier doit prouver sa capacité de pouvoir subvenir à ses besoins pendant son séjour au Canada;

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