Canada Business Immigration-Self Employed Person

The Self-Employed Persons Program is open to individuals with prior self-employed experience as farmers, athletes (at an international level), or artisans.

To qualify for business immigration to Canada under the Self-Employed Persons Program, an applicant must demonstrate that they have relevant artistic or athletic experience that will allow them to be self-employed and make a significant contribution to the cultural and sporting life of Canada.

Relevant experience consists of at least two years of experience of self-employment or participation at a world class level in art, culture, recreation, or sport activities (see details below). Applicants who wish to purchase a farm must have at least two years of farm management experience. Applicants are also assessed based on their education, experience, age, English/French language ability, and adaptability.

Relevant Experience

A self-employed applicant must have self-employment experience in the fields of culture, athletics or farm management for more than two years within the last five years (period before the date of application or decision of permanent resident visa). The self-employment experience requirement does not apply to those who have participated in a world-class level in cultural or athletics activities for more than two years within the last five years. “World class” level identifies persons who are known internationally. It also identifies persons who may not be known internationally but perform at the highest levels in their discipline.

Examples of self-employed category

Music teachers, artists, illustrators, film makers, freelance journalists, choreographers, set designers, coaches/trainers, theatrical/musical directors, impresarios and farmers.

No immigration conditions are imposed on the self-employed class. You must have enough money to support yourself and your family members after you arrive in Canada.

Self-employed person’s financial asset may also be a measure of intent and ability to establish economically in Canada. There is no minimum investment level for self-employed person. The capital required depends on the nature of the work.

The province of Quebec has a separate selection system for Self-Employed Persons


Le programme d’immigration québécois destiné aux travailleurs autonomes a été conçu pour permettre aux personnes admissibles d’obtenir rapidement un visa d’immigration (résidence permanente) à la condition qu’ils soient en mesure de s’établir de façon satisfaisante dans la province du Québec en exerçant un métier ou une profession à leur propre compte.

Destination prévue : Province du Québec

Avoir net minimum : Avoir acquis légalement un minimum de 100 000 $ canadiens en avoir net, seul ou avec l’aide de son époux/épouse ou conjoint(e) de fait, dans l’éventualité où l’épouse/l’époux ou le/la conjoint(e) accompagnerait le demandeur principal

Expérience de travail : Avoir acquis une expérience minimum de deux ans au sein de la profession ou du métier que l’on entend exercer une fois établi dans la province du Québec

Divers : Examen médical et vérification des références