Live In Care Giver Program

The Live-in Caregiver Program’s goal is to bring qualified workers to Canada to do live-in work as caregivers when there are not enough Canadians to fill the available positions.

Successful applicants receive a work permit which allows them to work in Canada as live-in caregivers. After two years of employment, which must be completed within three years of the caregiver’s arrival in Canada, live-in caregivers can apply in Canada to become permanent residents. They may be granted permanent resident status if they meet the requirements.

The Live-in Caregiver Program was set up to enable professional caregivers to work in Canada. A live-in caregiver resides in the employer’s home and is qualified to work without supervision in a private household providing care for children, elderly persons or people who have disabilities.

In order to qualify under the Live-in Caregiver Program candidates must meet a number of requirements:

  • You must have successfully completed the equivalent of a Canadian high school education. This requirement will help to ensure that if you apply for permanent residence after two years as a live-in caregiver, you will be able to succeed in the general labor market. Studies indicate that the majority of new jobs in Canada require at least a high school education.
  • You must have six months of full-time training in a classroom setting or twelve months of full-time paid employment, including at least six months of continuous employment with one employer in a field or occupation related to the job you are seeking as a live-in caregiver. You may have gained your training or experience in areas such as early childhood education, geriatric care, pediatric nursing or first aid. You may also have completed your training as part of your formal education. This experience must have been obtained within the three years immediately prior to the day on which you submit an application for a work permit.
  • You must be able to speak, read and understand either English or French at a level that allows you to function independently in a home setting. For example, you must be able to contact emergency services if required and to understand labels on medication. You will be unsupervised for most of the day and may be required to communicate with someone outside the home. A good knowledge of English or French will also enable you to read and understand your rights and obligations.
  • You must have a written employment contract between you and your future employer. The contract defines your job duties, hours of work, salary and benefits. The contract also reinforces your employer’s legal responsibilities to you. This requirement helps provide a fair working arrangement between the caregiver and the employer and provides both parties with a clear understanding of what is expected of them.


Aide familial résidant

Les individus qui ont travaillé au Canada dans le cadre du Programme des aides familiaux résidants pendent au moins deux années peuvent faire une demande de résident permanent au Canada.

Vous êtes un aide familial résidant si:

  • Vous avez été autorisé de travailler au programme des aides familiaux résidants
  • Vous détenez un permis de travail valide pour travailler comme aide familial résidant au Canada
  • Vous avez occupé un emploi autorisé à temps plein pendant 24 mois
  • Avez toujours vécu au domicile de votre employeur ou de la personne qui bénéficie de vos soins au Canada pendant votre emploi comme aide familial résidant
  • Êtes en mesure de subvenir à vos besoins ainsi que les besoins des personnes à votre charge sans aide ni assistance sociale