Individual Without Legal Status

Coming to Canada as an immigrant is an exciting opportunity. Canada is one of the best countries in the world to work and live.

As one of the most popular immigration destinations, Canada attracts immigrants from all over the world. Our stable economy, high standard of living, educated population and low crime rates, make Canada a preferred destination for immigrants worldwide. However, the immigration application process is far from easy. These days, the rules and regulations make it increasingly difficult to qualify for a Canadian Visa. Whether you are applying for Canadian Permanent Residence or Temporary Residence, it is essential that your application be handled properly from start to finish. The last thing you want is a refused case. Knowing where to file, what documents are needed, how to respond to government requests, is a key part of the application process.

Our firm has handled 1000s of Canadian Immigration Applications.

Canadian Immigration is broken down into two main categories:
  1. Temporary Residence
  2. Permanent Residence

However, there are several things you should consider before you apply to be a permanent resident. In most cases, you must apply at a Canadian Visa office outside of Canada. In some cases, you can apply to become a permanent resident after you arrive in Canada. For example, live-in caregivers or people granted refugee protection can apply from within Canada.

If you want to immigrate to Canada, there are a few different ways to apply. You will need to decide which immigration program will work best for you and your family.

Find out about the requirements and the steps to apply in each category:
Permanent Residence in Canada
  • Skilled Workers and Professionals: This is designed for individuals who will immigrate to Canada on the basis of their own personal credentials.
  • Investors, Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed: This is for business minded people entering Canada as an investor, entrepreneur or self-employed.
  • Sponsoring Your Family: How to sponsor a family member to join you here if you are a permanent resident.
  • Canadian Experience Class: This is for Foreign Students and Temporary workers with at least two years Canadian Experience.
  • Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications: This application is usually for people living in Canada without legal status but who have nevertheless established themselves in Canada.

Temporary Residence in Canada
  • Visitor Visa – Visitors wishing to come to Canada for a temporary purpose to do things like vacation, study, or work
  • Work Permit – Do you plan to work in Canada? Do you have a Job Offer in Canada?
  • Study Permit – If you intend to study in Canada and you are a foreign national, you will likely need a Study Permit

Cette catégorie est composée des personnes qui sont au Canada sans aucun statut légal d’immigration. Une personne peut se retrouver sans statut légal d’immigration, de façon temporaire ou permanente, pour plusieurs raisons. Par exemple, certains ont outrepassé la durée de leur visa de résident temporaire ou permis d’études ou de travail. D’autres n’ont pas quitté le Canada tel qu’ordonné par CIC, suite au refus d’une demande de statut de réfugié. Lorsqu’une personne visée par une mesure d’expulsion ne se présente pas à la date prévue de son renvoi, un mandat d’arrestation est habituellement délivré contre elle. Si vous êtes dans une telle situation et que vous désirez régulariser votre statut, vous pouvez nous contacter en toute confidentialité.