
Express Entry

There will be no eligible occupations list

Whereas the current criteria for the Federal Skilled Worker Program includes a list of 50 eligible occupations, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has confirmed that, as of January 1, 2015, eligibility for the program will not include a list of eligible occupations. Instead, candidates will have to demonstrate that they have worked at least one year in a skilled occupation within the past 10 years. Jobs in Canada are classified by what are called National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes, which are divided by skill level and skill type. Similarly, the current list of ineligible occupations under the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) will not be in place under Express Entry.

All eligible applicants enter the same pool

The Express Entry pool will include candidates who are each eligible for at least one of Canada’s economic immigration programs, namely the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, and the Canadian Experience Class. It has been confirmed that, once eligibility for one of these programs has been confirmed, all eligible candidates will enter the same pool. There will not be separate pools for specific programs.

Express Entry is a fully electronic system

It has been confirmed that the entire Express Entry process, including steps one and two, will be conducted online.

Details of the Comprehensive Ranking System

The Comprehensive Ranking System is the government of Canada’s internal mechanism for ranking candidates based on their human capital, determined by factors such as age, level of education, language ability, work experience, and whether the candidate has received a job offer from a Canadian employer or a provincial nomination. This helps CIC to decide which candidates may be issued invitations to apply for permanent residence. Details of the ranking system were disclosed recently. There will be up to 500 points available for a candidate’s core human capital (candidates with an accompanying spouse or common-law partner may be awarded up to 460 points for their own core human capital, with a further 40 points available for the core human capital of the spouse or common-law partner), as well as 100 points for skills transferability based on specific combinations of a candidate’s core human capital. An additional 600 points will be awarded to candidates with a confirmed job offer (i.e. having received a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment) in a skilled occupation or a nomination from a Canadian province or territory.

Language testing will be required before going into the Express Entry pool

CIC has confirmed that candidates will have to demonstrate proficiency in an official language of Canada, either English or French, in order to enter the Express Entry pool. Language ability is determined by the candidate sitting a standardised language test, the most common of which are the IELTS or CELPIP for English and TEF for French. Candidates will not be able to enter the Express Entry pool without submitting language test results that meet the eligibility requirements for one of the federal economic immigration programs.

An Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) will be required going into the pool for candidates eligible for the Federal Skilled Worker Program

Candidates eligible to enter the Express Entry pool under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) must get an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) of their completed foreign educational credentials before making an expression of interest in immigrating to Canada. It was previously unknown whether an ECA would be required for step one, but it has now been confirmed that an ECA will be required from the outset in order for a candidate to prove eligibility for the FSWP and enter the Express Entry pool.

Candidates can update their profiles while in the Express Entry pool

One of the most beneficial recent pieces of news for potential candidates is that their profiles in the pool will not be “locked”. On the contrary, candidates will be able to maneuver within the Comprehensive Ranking System if they gain additional points, which they may do by, among other things: improving language test results, proving ability in a second official language, completing a diploma, or gaining additional work experience.

Penalties of up to five years for misrepresentation

The government of Canada has recently introduced new measures that aim to ensure the integrity of its immigration programs and processes. Among these measures are more severe penalties for misrepresentation than were previously in place, with the penalty for misrepresentation increasing from a two- to a five-year period of inadmissibility, as well as a five-year ban on applying for permanent resident status. Candidates who are found to have given false information during any stage of the Express Entry process, including step one, will be subject to these new penalties.

The first draw from the Express Entry pool is scheduled to take place before the end of January, 2015

CIC recently stated its intention to perform the first draw (i.e. issue the first invitations to apply) before the end of January, 2015. This is likely to benefit candidates who have prepared in advance, sat language tests, and gathered supporting documents, as they are the candidates most likely to be in a position to accept an invitation to apply, if offered one.

From the date that an invitation to apply is received, applicants will have only 60 days to file a complete application

CIC has confirmed that once an invitation to apply has been issued to a candidate, he or she will have only 60 days to file a complete application and all supporting documents. No extensions will be granted. Given this limited timeframe, applicants are encouraged to gather these documents in advance. Moreover, when taking the penalties for misrepresentation into account, it is important that the information provided and documents submitted are completely accurate.

If an applicant accepts an invitation to apply, but fails to submit a complete application and all supporting documents, the applicant will not have a second opportunity to file the an application under the same invitation to apply

If an invitation to apply is issued but the applicant subsequently submits an incomplete application or fails to submit an application, the applicant will not have a second opportunity to submit the application for permanent residence under the same invitation to apply. In addition, his or her expression of interest ceases to be valid regardless of the portion of the one-year period that remains and, as a result, he or she will no longer be in the Express Entry pool. This stresses the importance of preparation on the part of the applicant.

If a candidate declines an invitation to apply, he or she will re-enter the Express Entry pool until 12 months have passed since he or she was deemed eligible to enter the pool

Certain candidates, upon receiving an invitation to apply, may feel that they are not prepared to submit a complete application and all supporting documents within the 60-day timeframe set by CIC. As such, they may decline the invitation. If an applicant declines the invitation within the 60-day period, the remaining portion of the original one-year period of their inclusion in the Express Entry pool of candidates continues to apply. Candidate, however, should be aware that there is no guarantee of being issued a second (or third, etc.) invitation to apply. Potential candidates are encouraged to prepare well in advance so that they may be in a position to accept an invitation to apply, in the event that one is offered, and submit a complete application and all supporting documents within 60 days.

Candidates will know their Comprehensive Ranking System points total and what the points threshold was for the most recent draw, but will not know their specific ranking

Candidates in the pool will be able to see their points total under the Comprehensive Ranking System, but there will be no concrete pass mark to trigger an invitation to apply for permanent residence. The points total that a candidate may need in order to receive an invitation to apply can change fluidly as other candidates enter and leave the pool. CIC has confirmed, however, that candidates will be able to know the points that were required in order to receive an invitation to apply for the most recent draw from the Express Entry pool.

Provincial Nominee Programs will continue to exist outside the Express Entry system, but provinces will also be able to select a portion of candidates from the Express Entry pool

As has been the case in recent years, Canadian provinces and territories will continue to be able to craft their own immigration programs based on provincial labour market needs. These are known as the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). Indeed, the federal government’s Immigration Plan for 2015, announced last month, gives a greater allocation to the PNPs than has been the case in recent years. We have known for some time that provinces and territories will also be able to select a portion of their PNPs from the Express Entry pool. What we can additionally confirm at this stage is that applicants with a provincial nomination certificate who also qualify in one of the federal economic immigration programs may enter the Express Entry pool and, having been awarded an additional 600 points under the Comprehensive Ranking System as a result of the provincial nomination, be invited to apply for permanent residence.

Quebec applications will not be conducted through Express Entry, except where the applicant will be working outside Quebec for a Quebec-based company

Under the Canada-Quebec Accord of 1991, Quebec chooses its own immigrants and sets eligibility criteria that are separate from the criteria set by the federal government. Because of this arrangement, Quebec will not actively participate in the Express Entry system for Canadian immigration. Instead, Quebec is scheduled to reopen its skilled worker stream in April, 2015. Candidates applying for one of these programs must have the intention to reside in Quebec. We recently learned, however, that candidates who indicate that they intend to live and work outside Quebec but have a job offer from a company based in Quebec will be able to participate in the Express Entry system. An example of this would be a company whose main headquarters and operations are based in Quebec, but who also have an office in another Canadian city. The territory of Nunavut will also not participate under the Express Entry system. The two other territories and nine other provinces (i.e. all provinces except Quebec) have indicated that they will participate in the federal Express Entry system.

The revised Canada Job Bank will be ready on January 1, but job matching with Canadian employers will not

Candidates who don’t have a confirmed job offer in a skilled occupation or a provincial nomination going into the pool will be required to register on Canada’s updated Job Bank, which is expected to be ready for this purpose when Express Entry launches on January 1, 2015. One of the main differences between the Express Entry system, compared with current and previous Canadian immigration systems, is that Canadian employers will play a greater role in the process. Under Express Entry, Canadian employers are scheduled to be able to identify candidates in the Express Entry pool and submit job offers to them. In communications throughout this year, CIC has likened the role of Express Entry in connecting skilled candidates with Canadian employers as ‘matchmaking’. It has recently been confirmed, however, that the job matching facility in Express Entry is highly unlikely to be fully operational when the system launches on January 1, 2015. For candidates who don’t have a job offer, this may serve as an incentive to prepare an application early.

The ages of dependent children will be determined only at the date the application for permanent residence is received, not at the date of entry to the pool

As is the case under existing immigration programs, successful applicants are entitled to bring their spouse or common-law partner, as well as dependent children, to Canada, once requisite medical and criminal background checks have been made. For the purposes of Canadian immigration, dependent children are defined as biological or adopted children under the age of 19. It was previously unknown whether the ages of dependent children would be determined when the candidate enters the Express Entry pool, or when the invitation to apply for permanent residence has been issued, or when the application has been submitted. CIC has since confirmed that the ages of dependent children will be determined only at the date the application for permanent residence is received.

The government of Canada aims to attract 181,000 new immigrants through economic immigration programs in 2015

The Canadian government’s immigration plan stated that the government aims to attract up to 285,000 new immigrants in 2015, around 181,000 of which are scheduled to be economic migrants (i.e. not under family sponsorship or refugee/humanitarian cases). The majority of these economic migrants are expected to immigrate to Canada under the Express Entry system and, while the government has indicated an allocation for each economic program, the specific number of invitations to apply that may be issued under each of the economic immigration programs may be flexible.

Candidates may hire an immigration lawyer or Certified Canadian Immigration consultant

CIC has confirmed that candidates may hire an immigration lawyer or consultant registered with the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) to represent them throughout the Express Entry process.

Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System

Comprehensive Ranking System The Comprehensive Ranking System ranks eligible candidates for immigration to Canada through Express Entry under the following components:

  • core human capital factors;
  • accompanying spouse or common-law partner factors;
  • skill transferability factors; and
  • factors relating to a provincial nomination or a qualifying offer of arranged employment.

There are a total of 1,200 points available under the Comprehensive Ranking System. For candidates without an accompanying spouse or common-law partner, there are:

  • a maximum of 500 points available for core human capital factors;
  • a maximum of 100 points available for skill transferability factors; and
  • 600 points available for either a provincial nomination of a qualifying offer of arranged employment.

For candidates with an accompanying spouse or common-law partner, there are:

  • a maximum of 460 points available for core human capital factors of the principal applicant;
  • a maximum of 40 points for the core human capital factors of the spouse or common-law partner;
  • a maximum of 100 points available for skill transferability factors; and
  • 600 points available for either a provincial nomination of a qualifying offer of arranged employment.
Comprehensive Ranking System: Core Human Capital factors

For the purposes of this table, “PA” refers to the principal applicant and “spouse” refers to the spouse or common-law partner.

Age (in years)With an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 100)Without an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 110)
under 180 points0 points
45 or older00
Level of education
Level of educationWith an accompanying spouse
(maximum points available: 140 for PA, 10 for spouse)
Without an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 150)
Less than secondary (high) school credential0 points0 points
Secondary school credential28 for PA; 2 for spouse30
One-year post-secondary program84 for PA; 6 for spouse90
Two-year post-secondary program91 for PA; 7 for spouse98
Post-secondary program of 3 or more years112 for PA; 8 for spouse120
Two or more post-secondary programs, of which at least one was completed after a post-secondary program of three or more years119 for PA; 9 for spouse128
Master’s or entry-to-practice professional degree126 for PA; 10 for spouse135
Doctoral Degree (PhD)140 for PA; 10 for spouse150
First Language Ability (English or French)
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)With an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 128 for PA; 20 for spouse)Without an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 136)
For each language ability32 points for PA; 5 points for spouse34 points
CLB 3 or lower00
CLB 46 for PA; 0 for spouse6
CLB 56 for PA; 1 for spouse6
CLB 68 for PA; 1 for spouse9
CLB 716 for PA; 3 for spouse17
CLB 822 for PA; 3 for spouse23
CLB 929 for PA; 5 for spouse31
CLB 10 or higher32 for PA; 5 for spouse34

*Points in the above chart are for each language ability: speaking, writing, reading and listening, respectively.

Second Language Ability (English or French)
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)With an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 22)Without an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 24)
For each language ability66
CLB 4 or lower00
CLB 5 or 611
CLB 7 or 833
CLB 9 or higher66
Canadian Work Experience
Number of yearsWith an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 70 for PA; 10 for spouse)Without an accompanying spouse (maximum points available: 80)
Less than 10 points0 points
1 year35 for PA; 5 for spouse40
2 years46 for PA; 7 for spouse53
3 years56 for PA; 8 for spouse64
4 years63 for PA; 9 for spouse72
5 years or more70 for PA; 10 for spouse80
Comprehensive Ranking System: Skill Transferability Factors

A maximum of 100 points are awarded for a candidate’s skill transferability factors. There are five combinations of such skill transferability, with a maximum of 50 points awarded for each combination. Even if a candidate scores more than 100 points in total, only 100 points will be awarded under the Comprehensive Ranking System. Candidates with or without an accompanying spouse or common-law partner are awarded points for skill transferability in exactly the same way. There are no points available for the skill transferability of a candidate’s spouse or common-law partner.

For the purposes of this table, “CLB” refers to Canadian Language Benchmark.

Education and Language Ability
 CLB 7 or higher on all language abilities, with at least one of these CLB 7 or 8CLB 9 or higher for all language abilities
No post-secondary education00
Post-secondary education of 1 year or longer1325
Two or more post-secondary credentials,
the first of which was 3 or more years in duration
Education and Canadian Work Experience
 1 year of Canadian work experience2 or more years of Canadian work experience
No post-secondary education00
Post-secondary education of 1 year or longer1325
Two or more post-secondary credentials, the first of which was 3 or more years in duration2550
Language Ability and Non-Canadian Work Experience
 CLB 7 or higher on all language abilities, with at least one of these CLB 7 or 8CLB 9 or higher for all language abilities
No non-Canadian work experience00
1 or 2 years of non-Canadian work experience1325
3 or more years of non-Canadian work experience2550
Canadian and non-Canadian Work Experience
 1 year of Canadian work experience2 or more years of Canadian work experience
No non-Canadian work experience00
1 or 2 years of non-Canadian work experience1325
3 or more years of non-Canadian work experience2550
Certificate of Qualification in a Trade and Language Ability
 CLB 5 or higher on all language abilities, with at least one CLB 5 or 6CLB 7 or higher on all language abilities
Certificate of qualification in a trade occupation issued by a province2550
Comprehensive Ranking System: Additional Points
Additional pointsAll candidates
For a nomination certificate from a Canadian province (except Quebec)600 points
For a qualifying job offer of arranged employment from a Canadian employer600 points

Le système de classement Entrée Express va classer les candidats qui auront fait part de leur intérêt pour immigrer au Canada et qui seront éligibles pour l’un des trois programmes de l’immigration économique suivants :

  • Programme des travailleurs qualifiés (fédéral)
  • Programme des travailleurs de métiers spécialisés (fédéral)
  • Catégorie de l’Expérience Canadienne

Une fois l’éligibilité du candidat confirmée, il pourra alors intégrer le bassin Entrée Express et être classé concurremment aux autres candidats. 1 200 points sont disponibles dans le système et sont répartis comme suit:

  • Un maximum de 500 points peut être alloué pour les facteurs de base du capital humain qui comprennent l’âge, le niveau de scolarité, la compétence linguistique, et l’expérience de travail. Dans le cas où le candidat est accompagné d’un époux ou d’un conjoint de fait, un maximum de 460 points peut être attribué pour le capital humain du demandeur principal et 40 points sont disponibles pour le capital humain de son époux ou son conjoint de fait. Un maximum de 80 points peut être attribué au candidat qui a au moins un an d’expérience de travail au Canada.
  • Un maximum de 100 points peut être alloué pour les facteurs de la transférabilité des compétences du candidat. Ces points sont attribués sur la base d’une combinaison de certains facteurs de capital humain.
  • 600 points peuvent être alloués en fonction d’une offre d’emploi réservée admissible ou d’une désignation par une province canadienne.

L’importance de déterminer son éligibilité avant tout

Les candidats potentiels pour immigrer au Canada par le biais du système Entrée Express doivent savoir que les points alloués pour le système de classement global sont valables qu’une fois qu’ils sont entrés dans le bassin Entrée Express. L’admissibilité à entrer dans le bassin est déterminée en fonction d’une évaluation séparée qui établit si le candidat est éligible à l’un des programmes d’immigration économique fédéraux énumérés ci-dessus.

Une fois le candidat considéré comme admissible, il peut intégrer le bassin et être classé à l’intérieur du système de classement global avec tous les autres candidats admissibles pour les programmes économiques du gouvernement fédéral. Les candidats avec les mieux classés seront alors invités à présenter une demande d’immigration.

Pour savoir si êtes éligible à l’un des 60 programmes d’immigration canadiens incluant les programmes économiques fédéraux qui seront traités par Entrée Express, n’hésitez pas à compléter notre formulaire d’évaluation gratuit en ligne dès aujourd’hui.

Les facteurs de base du capital humain

Sur les 1 200 points disponibles en vertu du système de classement global, un maximum de 500 points peut être alloué basé sur les facteurs de base du capital humain. Dans le cas où le candidat est accompagné d’un époux ou d’un conjoint de fait, jusqu’à 460 points peuvent être alloués pour le capital humain du candidat principal et 40 points pour le capital humain de son époux ou conjoint de fait.

Les points pour les facteurs de base du capital humain des candidats qui ne sont pas accompagnés d’un époux ou d’un conjoint de fait sont répartis comme suit:

  • Age: Un maximum de 110 points peut être alloué pour l’âge du candidat. Les candidats âgés de 20 à 29 sont ceux qui obtiennent le plus de points pour ce facteur. Les candidats âgés de moins de 18 ans ou âgés de plus de 44 ans n’obtiennent pas de point.
  • Niveau de scolarité: Un maximum de 150 points peut être accordé pour la scolarité.
  • Première langue officielle: Un maximum de 136 points peut être alloué pour les compétences linguistiques en anglais ou en français. 34 points sont respectivement alloués pour l’expression orale, l’expression écrite, la compréhension écrite et la compréhension orale.
  • Seconde langue officielle: Un maximum de 24 points est alloué pour les compétences linguistiques en anglais ou en français. 6 points sont respectivement alloués pour l’expression orale, l’expression écrite, la compréhension écrite et la compréhension orale.
  • L’expérience de travail au Canada : Un maximum de 80 points peut être alloué en fonction du nombre d’années pendant lesquelles le candidat a occupé un poste qualifié au Canada. Les points pour les facteurs de base du capital humain des candidats qui accompagnés d’un époux ou d’un conjoint de fait sont répartis comme suit:
  • Age: Un maximum de 100 points peut être alloué pour l’âge du candidat. Les candidats âgés de 20 à 29 sont ceux qui obtiennent le plus de points pour ce facteur. Les candidats âgés de moins de 18 ans ou âgés de plus de 44 ans n’obtiennent pas de point.
  • Niveau de scolarité: Un maximum de 140 points peut être alloué pour le niveau de scolarité pour le candidat principal et 10 supplémentaires sont disponibles pour le niveau de scolarité de son époux ou conjoint de fait.
  • Première langue officielle: Un maximum de 128 points peut être alloué pour les compétences linguistiques en anglais ou en français. 32 points sont respectivement alloués pour l’expression orale, l’expression écrite, la compréhension écrite et la compréhension orale. Un maximum de 20 points est alloué pour l’époux ou le conjoint de fait pour ses compétences en français ou en anglais. 5 points sont respectivement alloués pour l’expression orale, l’expression écrite, la compréhension écrite et la compréhension orale.
  • Seconde langue officielle: Un maximum de 22 points peut être alloué pour les compétences en français ou en anglais. 6 points sont respectivement alloués pour l’expression orale, l’expression écrite, la compréhension écrite et la compréhension orale.
  • L’expérience de travail au Canada : Un maximum de 70 points peut être alloué pour le nombre d’années pendant lesquelles le candidat travaillé a travaillé pour un poste qualifié au Canada. 10 points additionnels sont disponibles pour le nombre d’années pendant lesquelles sont époux ou conjoint de fait aura travaillé pour un poste qualifié au Canada.
La transférabilité des compétences

Sur les 1 200 points disponibles dans le cadre du système de classement global, un maximum de 500 point peut être alloué la transférabilité des compétences d’un candidat. Ce facteur est évalué en fonction de cinq combinaisons de facteurs de capital humain, avec un maximum de 50 points disponibles pour chacune des combinaisons. Les cinq combinaisons sont les suivantes:

  • Scolarité et compétence linguistique
  • Scolarité et expérience de travail au Canada
  • Compétence linguistique et expérience de travail à l’étranger
  • Expérience de travail au Canada et à l’étranger
  • Certificat de compétence et compétence linguistique
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